yes i know i said that i'm gonna post a post (muaha) with pics of my uni life, tpi since dah upload semua kt my fb, plus frens dah ramai cilok2, so scratch the idea, ok =)
berdasarkan tajuk post saya hari ini, saya ingin berkongsi dengan anda kegembiraan saya apabila dapat memakan(?) makanan yang saya sudah lama sangat-sangat mengidam..
haha, BM time SPM dpt B3 jerh babe, so xcuse the grammar..
moving on, yes, i finally satisfied my gila craving for ipoh's N.A.S.I G.A.N.J.A!!!
hip hip hoooorayhoo!!!!!
berdasarkan tajuk post saya hari ini, saya ingin berkongsi dengan anda kegembiraan saya apabila dapat memakan(?) makanan yang saya sudah lama sangat-sangat mengidam..
haha, BM time SPM dpt B3 jerh babe, so xcuse the grammar..
moving on, yes, i finally satisfied my gila craving for ipoh's N.A.S.I G.A.N.J.A!!!
hip hip hoooorayhoo!!!!!
and this is the prawn version..
this is what i had for dessert, yoghurt, fresh strawberries and sprinkles!!!
i hate it when ppl say colored rice..
limau bali, urm dari bali ker?
i underexposed this shot gila2, n liked it =)
oh, while waiting for my mumsy n dadsy to settle fatso's car, i met a new friend!!!!
his name is "mabuk" because he was chained to a tree at a beer warehouse placey..
so pretty sure he had a few sips, eyh..
see, i got him to smile for me =)
this pic was taken through a fence, so hence the x clearness..
had to manual focus this shot to get rid of the ugly metal fence..
i hate it when ppl say colored rice..
i underexposed this shot gila2, n liked it =)
oh, while waiting for my mumsy n dadsy to settle fatso's car, i met a new friend!!!!
his name is "mabuk" because he was chained to a tree at a beer warehouse placey..
so pretty sure he had a few sips, eyh..
see, i got him to smile for me =)
had to manual focus this shot to get rid of the ugly metal fence..
p/s: are u drooling?
am drooling over that dessert
thanx following~
lets walk along eyh?
u've got a bunch of awesome pic here babe...
the way u snap em all amazed me
the way u snap the food makes em look more sumptuous,
not dull like millions other foto snapper...
gotta reveal em to the world!
awwww, tenkiuk soo much!!!!
ur welcome, ur blog pown very interesting to read..
ur entries sngt sempoi n funny =)
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